Alison's Window

Friday, September 09, 2011

The Ineducable Emperor

It seems President Obama is incapable of learning from experience. He will not publicize his college or law school grades. Perhaps he was a mediocre student. He certainly seems to be a mediocre student when it comes to learning on the job.

After almost three years as president, he shows no intellectual agility in solving national problems. Two years ago, his solution to the high rate of unemployment and slow economic growth was a mix of, among other things, direct government spending on favored businesses (big banks, car manufacturers) and non-discriminating handouts to car and house buyers ("Cash for 'Clunkers' " and home purchase tax credit).

His current solution to the continuing high unemployment and slow growth is...wait for it...government spending and targeted handouts (er, temporary tax cuts). This time around, his preferences include rewarding 1. employers for hiring vets, those unemployed for over six months, new employees; 2. "green" products producers etc.); and 3. bailouts to mostly public sector employers (state governments to retain state employees) and workers (teachers, firemen etc.).

Obama is either a remarkably slow learner or he is so wrapped up in his ideological prejudices that he cannot back down from destructive policies and programs he has already implemented. He seems to believe he is more an emperor than an elected president, with the magical power to change the laws of economics by edict.

Were he to repeal Obamacare, the Dodd-Frank bill and the Sarbanes-Oxley bill, suspend the enactment of new regulations except to the extent of eliminating an equal mount of old regulations and stop denigrating the business community and threatening it with tax increases, it is likely the economy would gasp in the new-found oxygen and take off.

Not likely he will do so.


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