Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Everyone keeps scratching his head about Obama's feckless attitude in regards to the deficit and government spending. I believe he has no interest whatever in dealing with it and only mouths talking points to mask his detachment. His focus appears to be on punishing success, raising taxes wherever he can, increasing individual dependence on government, and damaging or destroying what he perceives as his enemies (conservatives, Republican party, successful businessmen, the United States in general). He seems to be a bitter, vindictive man who wishes to "take revenge" for whatever slights and hurts he perceives himself to have suffered, or his wards (the "communities" he organized, the downtrodden victims of oppression by the United States, or by rich bankers, or by uncaring conservatives) to have suffered. "Take revenge. Go vote," he exhorted during the election. Revenge? For what? He has been handed everything in life. I guess he feels guilty for getting free passes without accomplishing anything. I wish he would not target the rest of us to vent his unhappiness and anger.
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