Word Play #3
Okay, 2 points for Hope - good sentence that reveals nothing of the meaning, and submitting 3 responses!
1 point for GA b/c good response but MISSPELLED the word!
Tammy - 0 - although training for CPR should be worth something, but herewith a sentence:
His trenchant comments revealed his deep understanding of the situation and his willingness to incite the opposition.
Word #3 - obfuscate
This should be relevant in this political maelstrom!
1 point for GA b/c good response but MISSPELLED the word!
Tammy - 0 - although training for CPR should be worth something, but herewith a sentence:
His trenchant comments revealed his deep understanding of the situation and his willingness to incite the opposition.
Word #3 - obfuscate
This should be relevant in this political maelstrom!
At 4:19 PM,
Hope said…
Ok obfuscate. Shiiit. Um, ok. Does it mean to muddle the meaning?
Or crap, does it mean to weasel around in answer to a question? No, no I'm going with my first one.
"Mom obfuscated the meaning of the word because she skipped too many English classes."
At 10:18 AM,
Life with the Lockwoods said…
Ok, I am trying to break this words into parts. CATE like in duplicate is to make copies of. Now what does obfus mean?? I am going to guess that it means "to cause something or someone to become confused by dissemination of hard to understand information"
"The presidential candidate was told not to use confusing words so as not to obfuscate the crowd."
I am a little excited to see what it means because this is a TOTAL GUESS!
At 12:53 PM,
alison said…
Very, very good. 2 points each for getting close. Obfuscate means to confuse, perplex or make obscure. Synonym muddle. Root words are "ob" (over) plus Latin "fuscare" - to darken. No one would know that, of course, but I looked up the root b/c you rightly wanted to break it down into its components.
You obfuscate a direct object, for instance, the meaning of something - He obfuscated his true policies with slogans.
At 2:13 PM,
Life with the Lockwoods said…
I am really loving this! Now I am going to stalk this blog too! Alison, I also like reading the political recaps-it makes me realize that I don't know enough about either side to have a valid argument. It's great reading, though!
At 11:54 AM,
Hope said…
Pardon me, but didn't I get obfuscate? Why did I only get close?
Mom - let me know re: today's WOTD and I will post link on GDI (it will have to be at lunch time though).
At 2:03 PM,
Life with the Lockwoods said…
You didn't get it because your mom is so impartial!
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