Alison's Window

Monday, September 19, 2011

Or Out of His Depth

It is also possible, no, make that probable, that Obama is out of his depth. I try to imagine what would happen if someone suddenly put me in charge of a multi-billion dollar derivatives fund (say what?) I would surround myself with advisors to try to get a handle on the complex decisions I would need to make. But even with an economics background and a CPA license and several years of experience in tax and accounting practice, I would most likely find it very difficult to become competent in this job before making serious mistakes.

Obama practiced Community Organizing, then Professor and State Senator for a few years. He evidently made no hard choices in the Senate, voting present rather than taking a position on issues. He has never had to make hard choices in a business, balancing risk against reward, evaluating economic data to try to determine probable trends and outcomes, putting his own money where his preferences lie.

Now he is trying to micro-manage the entire U.S. economy with no training or experience in the field. On top of this serious experiential and educational handicap is layered his probably sincere but nonetheless impractical subjective desire to improve the lives of the less well-off.

In addition, it has been reported that he always thinks he is the smartest person in the room, which makes it difficult for him to take advice or admit he is wrong.

So, no relevant experience or education, an emotion-based determination to redistribute wealth no matter how disfunctional the means, and an arrogance that brooks little dissent. No wonder he is struggling.

Sadly, however, the resultant damage to the country is real.


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