Alison's Window

Monday, September 22, 2008

Word Play #4

Very, very good. 2 points each (Hope and Tammy) for getting close. Obfuscate means to confuse, perplex or make obscure. Synonym muddle. Root words are "ob" (over) plus Latin "fuscare" - to darken. No one would know that, of course, but I looked up the root b/c you rightly wanted to break it down into its components.
You obfuscate a direct object, for instance, the meaning of something - He obfuscated his true policies with slogans.
It is a deliberate effort to obscure something, not an unintentional misunderstanding of something. Hence 2 points for Hope instead of 3 (sorry).

Word Play #4: doppelganger


  • At 2:07 PM, Blogger Life with the Lockwoods said…

    Okay, I know this one - sort of. I used to listen to a band in the early 90s named Curve. The name of their CD was Doppelganger. I am a dork and wanted to know what that meant and I recall looking it up. I think think it means like another form of yourself - like a second personality.

    Dr. Jeckyll is the doppelganger of Mr. Hyde.

    (*Trying to go from memory here, and I recall that the song on the album called doppelganger had lyrics that said something like, "am I wearing my right hate me for being born...")

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Hope said…

    Watch me slay this one.

    Definition: someone's double who is different but the same person.

    Sentence: In an alternate world, Brian has a doppelganger walking around who looks just like him.

    PS - I have not yet done this but can we ask coworkers w/out looking it up?

  • At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    according to Ariel in The Little Mermaid, a doppelganger is a fork you use to brush your hair.

    Hand me that doppelganger, my hair is full of knots.

  • At 12:04 PM, Blogger Life with the Lockwoods said…

    Georgia, that was a dinglehopper! Geesh woman, keep up with your Disney movies!!

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger alison said…

    Okay, three points each for Tammy and Hope for 99% hit - it is typically a *ghostly* double; one point for Georgia for trying a sentence even with the wrong meaning! And anyway, doppelganger, ginglehopper - just about the same, aren't they?

    Yes, as far as I am concerned, you can ask anybody. What does everyone else think?


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