Trojan Horse - Health Care Bill Breaches the Gates of Freedom
The Trojan Horse breached the gates of Troy and disgorged a legion of soldiers within the city to conquer it.
The Health Care bill the Obama administration is fashioning entices people with promises of lower premiums and out-of-pocket expenditures for themselves. It does not willingly reveal the cost to the society of an irretrievable and significant loss of freedom
I have struggled for some time trying to discern the motivation of the administration support for this reform. These people are not stupid. They no doubt read the analyses that show the economic and philosophical arguments against it. They are not moved by the arguments to change course. This means to me that either they willfully ignore the history of failure of such programs (Canadian and British health care systems) or they have an agenda masked by the claimed goals.
If they are ignoring past experience, they are willing to inflict dysfunctional and crippling regulations just to try again to achieve a demonstrably unattainable goal (i.e. magical thinking).
If they actually know better (this is my suspicion), they have another, hidden agenda. What can be achieved by burdening taxpayers with such a convoluted, expensive, controlling program? Possible answers:
1. Force citizens to become dependent on the government for fundamental needs, thus growing government and enhancing the power of those in office.
2. Redistribute wealth to make outcomes in life more fair and equitable.
3. Wreck the country's economy and systems to enable the administration to rebuild it the way they prefer.
The probable answer is that all three points of view are represented in this administration. Their adherents have somewhat different goals, but the means to reach them are the same, so they work in concert.
Independents of the world, unite! or there won't be any independence anymore.
The Health Care bill the Obama administration is fashioning entices people with promises of lower premiums and out-of-pocket expenditures for themselves. It does not willingly reveal the cost to the society of an irretrievable and significant loss of freedom
I have struggled for some time trying to discern the motivation of the administration support for this reform. These people are not stupid. They no doubt read the analyses that show the economic and philosophical arguments against it. They are not moved by the arguments to change course. This means to me that either they willfully ignore the history of failure of such programs (Canadian and British health care systems) or they have an agenda masked by the claimed goals.
If they are ignoring past experience, they are willing to inflict dysfunctional and crippling regulations just to try again to achieve a demonstrably unattainable goal (i.e. magical thinking).
If they actually know better (this is my suspicion), they have another, hidden agenda. What can be achieved by burdening taxpayers with such a convoluted, expensive, controlling program? Possible answers:
1. Force citizens to become dependent on the government for fundamental needs, thus growing government and enhancing the power of those in office.
2. Redistribute wealth to make outcomes in life more fair and equitable.
3. Wreck the country's economy and systems to enable the administration to rebuild it the way they prefer.
The probable answer is that all three points of view are represented in this administration. Their adherents have somewhat different goals, but the means to reach them are the same, so they work in concert.
Independents of the world, unite! or there won't be any independence anymore.