Alison's Window

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Social Media as Mob

Social media has become a scary tool for mobs intent on silencing or, worse, destroying those they don't like or with whom they disagree. IMHO, this tendency to mob antagonists has been emboldened by the laxity with which many college administrators have dealt with students who wish to shut down conservative speakers. Several issues are at stake:
1. Free speech
2. Endangerment of the targets of mobs
3. Economic destruction of the targets of mobs
4. Inculcation of a sense of entitlement and invulnerability in college students

There need to be legal penalties for this sort of mistreatment of people.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Elected Politicians Should Not Control Spending and Budgets Because of the Incentive to Buy Votes

There should be a system for making spending and budget decisions, limits and goals that is controlled by independent agencies and not by politicians. Politicians have every incentive to vote for spending on constituents as a means to buy votes. Decisions on spending government funds should be completely firewall divorced from politicians who rely on the voting public to acquire power.