Beware the Careless Unleashing of the Furies of Class Warfare
Diffidently attacking wealthy and powerful targets (banks, "the rich," "millionaires and billionaires") in the name of "the folks" appears to be the new tack taken by the liberals to shore up their re-electability. It is a dangerous tack.
Stir up inchoate resentment and uninformed rage and you may end up with ungovernable chaos. This monster may target all authority, the Obama administration included.
So far, the demonstrators are crowding parks near big banks such as Bank of America. At some point, they may figure out that politicians (who need the public's votes) are more responsive to demonstrations that are corporations. Their targets may then shift to Statehouses and the White House. They may or may not differentiate between the parties.
They are being fed with donations. One demonstrator, named "Spooky," was quoted on 10/17/11 by Matt Labash of the Weekly Standard as saying: “I ain’t gonna lie about it. I’m homeless. I’m gonna take advantage of something like this. Not gonna pretend like I’m some huge political rocker ‘f— the government!’ when I know I’m not... But I’ve already had a few people tell me this is a homeless man’s dream camp” (italics added).
They are being provided with bathroom facilities (though no showers). In this same article, Matt Labash asks a demonstrator where to find a restroom: "does she know where I can find one? She says at 'The People’s McDonald’s' across the street on Broadway (the usually heartless multinational corporation has been kind enough to let all OWS comers use the facilities)."
One wonders how many would stick around without logistical support. Or when the weather turns cold. This blob so far seems to be inchoate and opportunistic, justifying their presence with random and unrelated complaints and demands. A mob with no leaders and no concrete goals can easily be turned against new targets. Caveat emptor to those who endorse this creature.
Stir up inchoate resentment and uninformed rage and you may end up with ungovernable chaos. This monster may target all authority, the Obama administration included.
So far, the demonstrators are crowding parks near big banks such as Bank of America. At some point, they may figure out that politicians (who need the public's votes) are more responsive to demonstrations that are corporations. Their targets may then shift to Statehouses and the White House. They may or may not differentiate between the parties.
They are being fed with donations. One demonstrator, named "Spooky," was quoted on 10/17/11 by Matt Labash of the Weekly Standard as saying: “I ain’t gonna lie about it. I’m homeless. I’m gonna take advantage of something like this. Not gonna pretend like I’m some huge political rocker ‘f— the government!’ when I know I’m not... But I’ve already had a few people tell me this is a homeless man’s dream camp” (italics added).
They are being provided with bathroom facilities (though no showers). In this same article, Matt Labash asks a demonstrator where to find a restroom: "does she know where I can find one? She says at 'The People’s McDonald’s' across the street on Broadway (the usually heartless multinational corporation has been kind enough to let all OWS comers use the facilities)."
One wonders how many would stick around without logistical support. Or when the weather turns cold. This blob so far seems to be inchoate and opportunistic, justifying their presence with random and unrelated complaints and demands. A mob with no leaders and no concrete goals can easily be turned against new targets. Caveat emptor to those who endorse this creature.
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