Okay, Mitt Romney, you now have the ball. You no longer need to defend yourself from competing Republicans. Now is the time to go on offense with a philosophical panoramic vision of the future of this country.
We need a country where people take care of themselves when they can, take care of others in need, invest in the Federal government only the tasks assigned to it by its enumerated powers, and establish a tax code that has the sole purpose of collecting revenue and eschews the business of social engineering.
You do all that, Mitt Romney, and this country would soar.
1. Self reliance and local control are paramount.
a. People are most productive and creative when they have to look out for themselves but also when they benefit from their efforts (i.e. keep what they earn).
b. Federal level support programs are highly inefficient because they cannot respond to individual situations and because they must run resources through huge bureaucracies that burn up a lot of those same resources.
c. Programs as large and impersonal as such federal programs provide cover for a great deal of waste, over-charging and fraud.
2. Private, local support for people who need help (the poor, the sick, the helpless). No society should leave them behind. Federal level programs are
a. clumsy
b. inefficient
c. subject to waste and fraud
d. not attuned to individual and particular needs
3. Reduce the federal government to its appointed tasks and leave the rest to the states. Shrink its size and cost.
4. Rewrite the tax code
a. Simplify and equalize the tax laws.
b. Use the tax code only to fund federal expenses.
c. Eliminate social engineering tax laws.
d. Require all citizens to pay some tax, no matter how small. Skin in the game concentrates the mind wonderfully.