Alison's Window

Saturday, July 28, 2012

"..because I was just so smart," worse than "You didn't build that."

"I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart."

That is another quote from the Famous Speech Heard 'Round the World. I think it is arguably even worse than the "You didn't build that,"  because it suggests envy and bitterness on the speaker's part. With the power of government behind him, he can cripple the efforts of such successful people to satisfy his resentment, and he appears to be doing so.

One also has to wonder just why he so resents success. Maybe (to engage in a little psycho-babble here) because he has not earned his success and knows it. Active druggie in high school, no telling what he did in college besides the admitted cocaine. Elected to very high office totally unprepared and inexperienced. An empty suit playing at maturity and doing the country a lot of harm in the process.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Do Liberal Elites View Themselves As Animal Handlers?

I have read a great deal of material about animal intelligence and how scientists and animal handlers try to assess it. I am currently reading a book entitled The Parrot's Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity by Eugene Linden. It is full of amazed observations of the cleverness of chimps, dolphins, some parrots and big cats, and particularly the red apes or orangutans. The orangs are especially creative in making tools to enable their efforts to escape captivity, even though in the wild, Linden says they rarely make or use tools.

It suddenly struck me that, well, duh, they are trying to escape. Their handlers are always withholding or giving them treats to discourage or entice certain behavior. If they can think and plan as well as he indicates, along the lines of a four or five year old human, then they can probably feel trapped and resentful at being controlled and restricted for no reason other than human study and entertainment.

But what is a new realization to me is that I believe these handlers enjoy having virtually total control over their charges, and I am going to make a big jump here and equate them to liberals who like to control people and run their lives. In both situations, of course, it is for their own good. Actually, they may be the same segment of the population.

The poor animals would have a much harder, shorter life in the wild, so they are better off under the management of these compassionate people.

Likewise, the great unwashed of fly-over country don't know what is best for them, so compassionate liberals need to wrest control of their lives for them to improve their condition.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama Administration An Invasion of Ants or Maybe Termites

The Obama ants have invaded and infiltrated the Federal government and are busy tearing it up. They undermine legitimate government in a number of ways.

1. Disregard laws duly passed by the equal branch of government that is Congress (e.g. Defense of
    Marriage Act, deportation law in regards to certain preferred illegal immigrant youth).
2. Make recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board when Congress is not in recess.
3. Use Agency diktats to effect outcomes they are unable to get Congress to enact as laws:
      a. EPA declaration that carbon dioxide is a regulatable pollutant when Congress would not pass Cap and Trade.
      b. Federal immigration authorities will not deport illegal immigrants handed over to them by the states.
      c. Health and Human Services has just announced that states can waive work requirements for receiving welfare, effectively gutting the welfare reform President Clinton achieved in cooperation with Republicans.

I hope we are a resilient enough country to survive this onslaught and heal the damage. I don't believe we have ever been attacked from within in this manner. If we do recover, we need to use this experience as a lesson to all future voters in choosing their leaders.

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

This from a guy who has never really worked for anything but a salary or donations. What unmitigated arrogance to think he actually knows whereof he speaks. I am beginning to think he is one of those "folks" who does not know what he does not know. And having been catapulted to a position way above his level of competence, but at the same time surrounded by sycophants, he may never develop any level of self-awareness.

I wonder if he feels guilt because he believes he became president due to affirmative action and must therefore attribute everyone else's success to government interference er, I mean, help.

In any case and unfortunately, the country has to bear the costs of his presumptions and insecurity.