Is Congress going to legalize 12 million illegal immigrants?
Illegal. That means "not legal." It does not mean "migrant" or "huddled masses yearning to be free" or any other circumlocution. Giving these people a pass rewards and encourages lawbreaking and reduces the credibility of our laws. Lawmakers agonize over losing the productive value of these workers to our economy, the impossibility of deporting 12 million people and the technical difficulty of protecting the border.
1. The politicians who vociferously defend the minimum wage are the same ones who say that these immigrants do work Americans won't do. Well, they might if the below-minimum-wage pay for these jobs rose with the reduction in the labor pool that would result from these folks going home. Side benefit: the marketplace would be generating better pay because of labor scarcity, instead of having (some) pay rates being artificially elevated by legislation.
2. No need to deport 12 million people. Enforce the immigration law by penalizing companies that hire the inexpensive labor and poof! the demand for it will decline. There will no longer be this particular incentive for crossing the border.
3. We can explore space but we can't build a fence. C'mon.
1. The politicians who vociferously defend the minimum wage are the same ones who say that these immigrants do work Americans won't do. Well, they might if the below-minimum-wage pay for these jobs rose with the reduction in the labor pool that would result from these folks going home. Side benefit: the marketplace would be generating better pay because of labor scarcity, instead of having (some) pay rates being artificially elevated by legislation.
2. No need to deport 12 million people. Enforce the immigration law by penalizing companies that hire the inexpensive labor and poof! the demand for it will decline. There will no longer be this particular incentive for crossing the border.
3. We can explore space but we can't build a fence. C'mon.