Alison's Window

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Okay, three points each for Tammy and Hope for 99% hit - it is typically a *ghostly* double; one point for Georgia for trying a sentence even with the wrong meaning! And anyway, doppelganger, ginglehopper - just about the same, aren't they?

Yes, as far as I am concerned, you can ask anybody. What does everyone else think?

Okay, Word #5: euphonious, something not very common in the political ads we hear incessantly.


  • At 9:38 AM, Blogger Life with the Lockwoods said…

    I am going to guess that it has something to do with sound. Okay - I will say it is speech or sound having a harmonious or flowing quality.

    The euphonious acceptance speech was well written and delivered with confidence.

    (*If I don't get any points, it's worth taking note that I didn't ask anyone...I am saving that lifeline for a word I can't even guess on!)

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Hope said…

    Let's see, let's. just. see.

    Eu - happy? Ecstatic?

    Phonius - of or about the phone, the telephone. Just kidding, sound.

    He called her over and over, only to hang up each time, just to hear her euphonius voice.



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