Alison's Window

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Imperial Presidency?

Okay. I have now heard three instances (I am sure there are more, since I don't read all the political reporting by any means) of extraordinary arrogance from the Democrats in power. So much for bipartisanship and looking out for the interests of the country.

1. Newly minted President Obama wandered down to the Press Room to chat with -what a surprise to find you here - the Press. However, when they started asking him Questions - how dare they be so frontal - he announced that if he was going to be grilled every time he came down there, he just wouldn't come back!!! So there. Did he stomp his royal foot?

2. Someone proposed that tax cuts be part of the package to help the country's economy recover. President Obama replied that he was elected so he would trump that.

3. In discussing the form the so-called stimulus package would take, Speaker Pelosi said the Democrats had won the election so they are writing the bill.

I believe we are seeing an imperious President Obama and equally disdainful Congress in the making.


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