Ok, I am thinking this is in the same family as desicrate, but the double ss in dessicate is throwing me off. I am going to guess that it means being proper - or in good taste. I am only saying that because it seems like a word I studied - but I cannot remember!
Mary's training at the Montessori school was evident during her deesicate behavior at the formal dinner.
At 9:48 AM,
Life with the Lockwoods said…
Ok, I am thinking this is in the same family as desicrate, but the double ss in dessicate is throwing me off. I am going to guess that it means being proper - or in good taste. I am only saying that because it seems like a word I studied - but I cannot remember!
Mary's training at the Montessori school was evident during her deesicate behavior at the formal dinner.
At 9:58 AM,
Hope said…
Dessicate - to utterly destroy.
The temple was dessicated by the looters who came through in packs, during the famous Roman Greek war.
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