Alison's Window

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Defeating Obama is a Jobs Bill

“I’m also dealing with a Republican … leader (Senator McConnell-my addition) who said that his No. 1 goal was to beat me — not put Americans back to work, not grow the economy, not help small businesses expand, but to defeat me,” Obama said.

Actually, replacing Obama with a conservative president is probably the best plan out there to "put Americans back to work, ... grow the economy, ... help small businesses expand." It would address all these goals in one swell foop (ha ha ha, a little levity here). Root out a primary engine of these problems and you clear the field for policies that would be stillborn under the heavy hand of Obama's administration.

Clear the football field of tackles such as EPA's Lisa Jackson (action-block hydrocarbon development and the jobs it would engender), Attorney General Eric Holder (actions-undermining the economic confidence provided by the rule of law by: imposing retributive reverse racial preferences, blocking prosecution of Black Panther violations of voters' rights, criminalizing terrorists, sending high-powered guns to Mexican drug cartels), Senators Dodd and Frank and Fed Chairman Bernanke (actions-interference in free-market flow of capital) and you vastly improve the chances of a touchdown or at least a field goal.

Yes, Senator McConnell's primary goal is Obama's defeat, and all the derivative benefits that can achieve.


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