Alison's Window

Friday, November 04, 2011

Where is the Anger at Obama's Outrageous Posturing?

Congressman Ryan has called Obama out on his mischaracterization of the Republicans' positions and actions in Congress (no one will use the word "lies"). Sean Hannity has interviewed C. Ryan to discuss his objections to Obama's assertions. Conservative news and opinion writers opine on the same theme. But no one expresses anger, even outrage, at the ridiculous, insulting and dishonest statements made by Obama and his congressional acolytes (Pelosi included). The tone of the criticisms seems to be calm, even-handed and unperturbed.

It is fine to be calm and unperturbed in a debate; actually advantageous. This is not a debate, however. Obama is running around the country proclaiming falsehoods about the Republican public servants in Congress and no one seems upset. Everyone takes it in stride, as a sophisticated reporter feels he should. Apparently, it is uncool and uncouth to respond in anger.

It is a one-sided argument when the President can freely make false statements that are immediately reported as news while those who dispute his assertions must be content with polite interviews on conservative television and radio programs.

Where is the fire to put the lie to Obama's posturing?


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